Top 10 Glenn Beck stories of 2009: #5 - Glenn Beck misspells a key acronym at center of his theory
As the year ends it is time to reflect on the top 10 Glenn Beck Moments of 2009. Beck has certainly provided a fair share of entertainment this year as he has become the most prominent Obama administration opponent.
For story #10 in which Beck warned of a government conspiracy involving Cash for Clunkers click here.
For story #9 in which Jon Stewart does his own Glenn Beck impersonation click here.
For story #8 in describing how Glenn Beck's movie "The Christmas Sweater" tanked at the box office click here.
For story #7 in which Beck's panel is left speechless by one of his conspiracy theories click here.
For story #6 involving Beck's screaming tirade against radio caller "Kathy" click here.
Story #5 was Glenn Beck's infamous misspelled acronym "OLIGARHY." In the interest of full disclosure I must confess to my own sins of misspellings which have occurred from time-to-time. We all make mistakes and I am working hard to improve but in my defense I must point out that i have never misspelled an acronym at the center of my own conspiracy theory. That is exactly what happen with Beck in the segment below. Making loose connections between ACORN. leftist organizations, and revolutionaries Beck proposed that the Obama administration was trying to form some kind of "OLIGARHY." The blogging community immediately went crazy making fun of Beck for the obvious error. Later SNL would even do a skit mocking Beck's spelling error.
In truth Beck's error was not a huge deal in the big scheme of thing. Beck's advocacy of the death panel myth and his Van Jones attacks had much more practical significance. Still this story ranks #5 for the amount of attention it received and the laughs it generated.
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