Turns out, some of these very same companies dropped advertising from the progressive talk radio station Air America back in 2006. Megan Carpentier on Air America Media writes:Wait, did she say … General Electric? Parent company of Fox News’ arch-nemesis, MSNBC? Do go on, madam…
Three years ago, a group of corporate advertisers informed ABC that they didn’t want their commercials run during Air America programming. Media Matters reports that those companies will run ads during conservative shows.
In 2009, General Electric, Farmer’s Insurance and Office Depot have financially supported Glenn Beck’s racism and threats against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the radio; Bayer, Chattem Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth have given Lou Dobbs money to continue his radio-based support for the Birther conspiracy theorists and his portrayal of the current Administration as alternately Socialist, Fascist and Communist; and Home Depot, JC Penney’s and Office Depot are helping provide Rush Limbaugh promote his racist, divisive commentary on a daily basis.
That doesn’t even include the companies that advertise during Glenn Beck’s or Lou Dobbs’ television shows, which additionally includes the likes of Bayer, Wal-Mart and Nestlé.
Take General Electric, a supporter of both Glenn Beck’s radio and television programming. In the 2006 election cycle, when they first blacklisted Air America’s programming, their PAC’s political contributions were two-thirds in favor of Republicans. In 2008, after the takeover of the House by Democrats and while Barack Obama’s win was clearly telegraphed, GE continued to favor Republicans with contributions disproportionate to their power in Washington, giving them 48 percent of the PAC’s donations. Only now that GE has nowhere else to turn, their donations for the 2010 election cycle are going two-thirds of the time to Democrats. To the victors go the spoils, I guess–as long as they can spend at least an equal amount of money supporting media programming intended to derail the agenda.So while Bill-o spends half his show savaging G.E., that same company is pouring money into the rival network? Huh??? Kind of shines a whole new light on those supposed “truce talks” between NBC and Fox a couple weeks ago, huh?
Next up: Beck hasn’t said much about the advertisers jumping ship — he’s no bitching Don Imus. But perhaps it’s because he’s no stranger to the boycott. Ironically, Color of Change may be the most successful Beck boycott promoter, but they’re hardly the first. Ron Paul supporters — some of whom have morphed into the very teabaggers, (sponsored by the professional astroturf class) that the sane among us are having so much fun mocking (gun-toting New Hampshire “blood of tyrants” spiller guy included — got there first. Check out this post from The Daily Paul, (the same site linked in the previous sentence,) circa November 2007:
On 11/12/2007, Glenn Back implied that any person who supports Ron Paul is a terrorist. Yes…that is a complete misrepresentation of the facts, but this just means we are now in the attack phase of the campaign. Given the current state of our media we will likely see alot more reporters purposefully attempting to misguide the public about the message of Ron Paul and his supporters just because we are a real threat now.If you follow the link, the site even provides a handy phone list of Beck advertisers. Of course, the Paulites didn’t get very far, and Beck, who was then on CNN’s HLN channel, wound up jumping to Fox anyway. But the irony is pretty darned thick.
The best way to deal with this is not to attack Beck or CNN…we all know they are just trolling for attention. Beck’s show has been sliding in the ratings, and its time to put the final nail in the coffin. Take 5 minutes out of your day, and contact any of the following companies…and tell them you’ll boycott their products until they pull their advertisement from Beck’s program.
We need to make an example out of Beck, for all future talking heads that will dare call Americans terrorists just because they are supporting Ron Paul. Some posters have suggested Glenn Beck should be fired/forced to resign for his statements. I agree. Glenn Beck should be fired/forced to resign. You may demand this of CNN, and inform his advertisers of the same.
BTW, Jon Stewart flattened Beck tonight, reminding viewers of the guy who thought America’s helathcare system was crap, following a botched butt surgery. Do you remember the time? Video tomorrow.