Monday, December 6, 2010

FreedomWorks Joining Glenn Beck; Planning 9/12 March on Washington | Save the Rich

FreedomWorks Joining Glenn Beck; Planning 9/12 March on Washington | Save the Rich

FreedomWorks Joining Glenn Beck; Planning 9/12 March on Washington

FreedomWorks and other corporate advocacy groups have consistently denied responsibility for planning the "tea parties," instead crediting "the same online networks and communities instrumental in Obama’s campaign." The faux humility didn't sit well; it now looks like FreedomWorks has been planning to discard it for some time.

Freedomworks is in the early stages of planning a September 12, 2009 event in Washington DC. The organization has "secured permits for the West Front of the United States Capitol and are currently working on the remaining logistics", according to a web page added to their site this week.
Brendan Steinhauser, the Director of Federal and State Campaigns for FreedomWorks,posted on the site's message board last Tuesday:
For those of you wondering what comes after tomorrow’s huge national protest against spending, debt and taxes, I have some exciting news! I have secured a permit for the West Front of the United States Capitol for a taxpayer tea party on Saturday, September 12th, 2009. I will post more on this later, but I wanted to let everyone know that April 15th is just the beginning of this movement.
Planning for the event apparently began some time ago; Steinhauser first gauged interest in the event over a month ago (1:14pm):
If you are interested in building momentum for a massive march on Washington, let us know!
Two hours later, he again posted (2:59pm):
Steve thinks we should shoot for a huge September 12th, 2009 rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. What do you think?
"Steve," FreedomWorks user "GREATAMERICANTEAPARTY", replied (3:05pm):
We have already applied for the Permit for Sept 12, 2009. We need help for some of the locals. I am at You can purchase tea shirts to help fund the event at Thanks Steve
On April 14th, Steinhauser noted that they had received the permit:
We have the permit for the West Front of the U.S. Capitol, 9-12-2009! Please spread the word, and we will post updates on our blog and in this space.