Monday, December 6, 2010

Historians Dismantle Beck's Roman History Lesson | Media Matters for America

Historians Dismantle Beck's Roman History Lesson | Media Matters for America

Historians Dismantle Beck's Roman History Lesson

December 03, 2010 5:19 pm ET — 180 Comments

On both his radio and Fox News programs this week, Glenn Beck sought to show how the U.S. is " repeating the exact mistakes" that led to the fall of the Roman Republic. But according to Roman history experts consulted by Media Matters, Beck's history lesson distorted or fabricated key facts.

beck screengrab

Beck Points To Beginning of Roman Empire As Example Of "What's Happening To Us"

Beck: "We Are Repeating The Exact Mistakes of Ancient Rome." Beck said on the December 1 edition of his Fox News show, "Tonight, I will show how we are repeating the exact mistakes of ancient Rome and we are on the fast track to writing the next chapter of history titled "The Rise and Fall of American Empire and Man's Freedom." [Glenn Beck, 12/01/10, accessed via Nexis]

Beck: "This Is Where We're At. The Empire Begins." Beck said, "The fall of the Roman Republic and into an empire, because I think this is where we're at. The empire begins. We are not looking at the decline and fall of the American empire, because we're still a republic, but we're teetering." Beck added that "what they're trying to do right now is to convince you that communism and socialism is better than capitalism. They are doing everything they can to achieve their goal without you knowing it." [Glenn Beck, 12/01/10, accessed via Nexis]

Beck: "Obama Is Octavian." On the December 2 edition of his radio show, Beck said, "Barack Obama is Octavian. The first Roman, real, god. But he was the first citizen. He was the last guy of the Republic before it went into an empire. And he changed everything. He left the illusion of a republic but became a dictator. But he always claimed that he wasn't. This is what's happening to us." [Premiere Radio Networks, The Glenn Beck Program, 11/2/10]

Beck: Like Rome, We Are Doing "Land Grabs And Food Rations And Free Food." Beck said:

I showed you, as the Roman Empire begins decline, what do they do? They start land grabs and food rations and free food. And then, they change the republic and they don't let people know.

They just change it. They leave all the Senate in and everything, but it's all a scam so people can feel good. That is where we left it. Now, that is what we are doing here. And they are saying to us that state capitalism is where we are headed.

Well, I just showed you that is not state capitalism; it's national socialism. Soon, it will be global socialism. And they can't say "national socialism" now because everybody will freak out. They know what is. That's Mussolini and that's Hitler. [Glenn Beck, 12/01/10, accessed via Nexis]

Beck Ignores Years Of Slaughter To Claim Octavian Rose To Emperor "Without Violence"

Beck: Roman Citizens Became "Subjects Of An Emperor And It All Happened Without Violence, Without Votes Or Without Fanfare." From the December 1 edition of Fox News' Glenn Beck:

BECK: The people of Rome had gone from being citizens of a republic to subjects of an emperor and it all happened without violence, without votes or without fanfare. Didn't really even know and they were actually happy about it. Because they were bought off. Now, where are we seeing this today? [Fox News, Glenn Beck, 12/1/10, via LexisNexis]

Classics Professor Brennan: Transition Period From Republic To Empire "Was One Of The Bloodiest And Most Deeply Traumatizing In Rome's History." T. Corey Brennan, a classics professor at Rutgers University and current visiting faculty member at the American Academy in Rome, told Media Matters, "The triumviral period (from 15 March 44 BC down to Octavian's victory over Marc Antony at the battle of Actium in 31 BC) was one of the bloodiest and most deeply traumatizing in Rome's history." Roman history professor Ray Laurence, of the University of Kent, similarly stated by email: "This is way off. From 44 BC to 31 BC, entailed the most violent series of civil wars Rome had seen."

  • Classics Professor Peachin: "Augustus [Octavian] Began His Career As A Mass Murderer." New York University classics professor and Roman history expert Michael Peachin wrote to Media Matters:

Again, since this distorts so utterly so much, and in itself means absolutely nothing whatsoever, it is very hard to comment on. But just for example: "without violence" is absolutely incredible nonsense. Augustus began his career as a mass murderer - just think of Cicero, murdered, his hands cut off and tongue cut out, and these nailed up on the speaker's platform in the Forum. He was only one of thousands proscribed: i.e., their names published in lists hung up daily, announcing that these people were sought, and that anyone who brought the person, or the person's head, would receive a reward. And then, a series of horrific civil wars.

  • Historian Goldsworthy: "Octavian/Augustus Was The Last Man Standing At The End Of This Period Of Conflict." Adrian Goldsworthy, historian and author of several books about the Roman Empire, stated in an email:

From 44-30 BC there was almost constant civil war. When Antony, Octavian and Lepidus occupied Rome in 43 BC they introduced the proscriptions - effectively death lists to give legal justification to the murder of their enemies. Octavian/Augustus was the last man standing at the end of this period of conflict. People were grateful for a return to some form of peace. This made them a lot readier to accept the stability of the new regime. So he was fairly popular - having said that, nobody chose him - he just won the civil wars and then was a skilful enough politician to win the peace.

Beck Misleadingly Claims Roman Republic Was Characterized By "Freedom"

Beck: "It Was A Republic At First. There Was Freedom. Things Went Well." From the December 1 edition of Fox News' Glenn Beck:

BECK: It was a republic at first. There was freedom. Things went well. That's why they expanded. And, then, when freedom started to fall apart, that's when they became an empire. They went from freedom to feeding people to lions for sport.

Now, how do you go from a decent people that are expanding to taking people and feeding them to lions? I mean, logically, if we progress, if we are all so progressive, shouldn't it go the other way, you start feeding people to lions and then you don't? [Fox News, Glenn Beck, 12/1/10, via LexisNexis]

Peachin: Aside From The "Elite," Most Had Limited Freedom. According to Peachin, the "senatorial/equestrian elite" of the Roman Republic had "very nearly unlimited freedom," but "most everyone else" had "freedom only in a mildly to severely circumscribed fashion." As evidence, he pointed to Rome's "vast" slave population. By email, he told Media Matters:

The interpretation of Roman history here can hardly be discussed, since it is so preposterously nonsensical. But: Yes, Rome was a form of republic between (supposedly) 509 BC and the mid to late first century BC. Freedom: for whom, what kind, how much? For the senatorial/equestrian elite, yes: very nearly unlimited freedom (in various ways). For most everyone else: freedom only in a mildly to severely circumscribed fashion, or not at all (the slave population was, e.g., vast - and as the Roman lawyers put it, a slave was an "instrumentum vocale" - i.e., a "talking tool"). Things went well? What things? How well? This means nothing. I can't really comment on nothing.

Goldsworthy: "The Majority Of People Were Probably No Less Free Under The Empire." Goldsworthy told Media Matters: "It is also worth saying that the Liberty of the Roman Republic was mainly the freedom of the aristocracy to monopolize power, dominate public life, and enjoy the largest share of the profits of empire. The majority of people were probably no less free under the empire -- at least during the first and second centuries AD. In fact many of them were better protected by law which was harder to bend - at least if the emperor was a reasonably good one."

The Practice Of Feeding Slaves And Prisoners To Animals Existed Before The Establishment Of The Empire. According to Brennan, bestiarii (Roman gladiators who fought animals) "certainly existed by the latter days of the Republic. [The famous Roman senator] Cicero takes the practice for granted as early as 56 BC, i.e., some decades before the establishment of the Empire."

  • Ephraim Chambers: "Cicero Mentions A Lion Which Alone Dispatch'd 200 Bestiarii." A pre-Empire reference to bestiarii can be found in Ephraim Chambers' 17th-century Cyclopedia.[Cyclopedia, accessed 12/3/10]
  • Goldsworthy: "It Was Already Established Under The Republic." Goldsworthy told Media Matters:

The origins of throwing people to the wild beasts was to punish in a way that was especially demeaning. It was already established under the Republic - just like gladiatorial shows and beast fights (trained or semi-trained animal fighters taking on animals). Roman citizens would not be subject to such punishments, unless they were considered to have violated their standing as citizens by extreme behaviour, such as deserting and fighting for an enemy army. Punishments like this and crucifixion were normally reserved for slaves and foreigners. The scale of such punishments increased under the Empire, but did not start then.

Beck Incorrectly Claims That First Emperor Of Rome "Refused To Be Called Caesar"

Beck: "He Refused To Be Called Caesar. Remember, He Was The Adopted Son Of Caesar." From the December 1 edition of Glenn Beck:

BECK: Octavian's control over the armed forces made resistance futile. You couldn't resist. In keeping with his policy of maintaining the appearance of traditional republican government, republican as in "the republic," it was all still there.

He went a step further. He refused to be called Caesar. Remember, he was the adopted son of Caesar. No, he didn't want to be a dictator. No. Instead, he disguised himself, he was an autocratic ruler, he took the title of Princeps, which is "first citizen." [Fox News, Glenn Beck, 12/1/10, via Nexis]

In Fact, Octavian Embraced The Name Caesar. According to Erich Gruen, professor emeritus at UC Berkeley*:

Octavian, in fact, took the name Caesar immediately upon word of his adoption, and kept it throughout. He had very right to do so. Caesar was a family name and devolved automatically upon the son (or adopted son). It was not at this point a title. Octavian did shun the office of dictator to distinguish himself from Caesar. Princeps means "leading citizen" not "first citizen." Several leading figures received that designation in the Republic, but it was an informal one, never a title. Nor did Octavian ever use it a a title.

  • Goldsworthy: Octavian "always called himself Caesar." Goldsworthy told Media Matters:

Octavian is called Octavian only by modern scholars to avoid confusion. Born Caius Octavius, following his adoption in Julius Caesar's will (a fact not known until after the latter's murder), he became Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus. He did not use the name Octavianus, but always called himself Caesar. This was vital for his rise. Once Julius Caesar was deified Octavian/Augustus referred to himself as 'son of the divine Julius'. Mark Antony dubbed him a "boy, who owes everything to a name."

Ignoring Caesar, Beck Calls Octavian "The Last Guy Of The Republic"

Beck: Octavian Was "The Last Guy Of The Republic Before It Went Into An Empire" On the December 2 edition of his radio show, Beck said:

BECK: This goes to what I said last night on television and what we talked about yesterday on radio: That we are repeating Octavian. Barack Obama is Octavian. The first Roman, real, god. But he was the first citizen. He was the last guy of the Republic before it went into an empire. And he changed everything. He left the illusion of a republic, but became a dictator. But he always claimed that he wasn't.

This is what's happening to us. They are cutting out our system. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Glenn Beck Program, 11/2/10]

In Fact, Julius Caesar Was "Perpetual Dictator" Before Octavian Became Emperor. From Jacob Abbott's History of Julius Caesar:

The supreme power had been hitherto lodged in the hands of two consuls, chosen annually, and the Roman people had been extremely jealous of any distinction for any one, higher than that of an elective annual office, with a return to private life again when the brief period should have expired. They now, however, made Caesar, in the first place, consul for ten years, and then Perpetual Dictator. They conferred upon him the title of the Father of his Country. The name of the month in which he was born was changed to Julius, from his praenomen, and we still retain the name. He was made, also, commander-in-chief of all the armies of the commonwealth, the title to which vast military power was expressed in the Latin language by the word IMPERATOR.

Caesar was highly elated with all these substantial proofs of the greatness and glory to which he had attained, and was also very evidently gratified with smaller, but equally expressive proofs of the general regard. Statues representing his person were placed in the public edifices, and borne in processions like those of the gods. Conspicuous and splendidly ornamented seats were constructed for him in all the places of public assembly, and on these he sat to listen to debates or witness spectacles, as if he were upon a throne. He had, either by his influence or by his direct power, the control of all the appointments to office, and was, in fact, in every thing but the name, a sovereign and an absolute king. [History of Julius Caesar, accessed 12/3/10, emphasis added]

*A previous version of this item mistakenly attributed the quote to T. Corey Brennan.

Freedom Works Website Hacked During Glenn Beck Money Bomb | Liberty Pundits Blog

Freedom Works Website Hacked During Glenn Beck Money Bomb | Liberty Pundits Blog

Freedom Works Website Hacked During Glenn Beck Money Bomb

Posted by Melissa Clouthier on Oct 21 2010 Filed under News & Opinion,Politics, Science & Tech. You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
A mysterious cyber attack apparently struck the computer servers at the pro-tea party group FreedomWorks this morning, just as it launched a major fund-raising drive.
FreedomWorks officials are investigating, but they suspect they were attacked deliberately, perhaps by a political opponent seeking the thwart its fund-raising efforts.
The attack crippled the site at about 9:45 a.m. just when the fund-raising drive was publicized on the radio by conservative talk show host Glenn Beck. The group estimates it lost about $80,000 in potential donations as it struggled to bring its site back online.
An “autopsy” showed a highly sophisticated hacker struck at 6:55 a.m., the group said, setting the stage for the eventual meltdown. The server was wiped out, though group officials said no data was lost or stolen.
“We think the idea was to take our site down until after the election,” said Kara Pally, web developer for FreedomWorks. “This was politically motivated.”
When will the liberals stop this climate of hate?

FreedomWorks Joining Glenn Beck; Planning 9/12 March on Washington | Save the Rich

FreedomWorks Joining Glenn Beck; Planning 9/12 March on Washington | Save the Rich

FreedomWorks Joining Glenn Beck; Planning 9/12 March on Washington

FreedomWorks and other corporate advocacy groups have consistently denied responsibility for planning the "tea parties," instead crediting "the same online networks and communities instrumental in Obama’s campaign." The faux humility didn't sit well; it now looks like FreedomWorks has been planning to discard it for some time.

Glenn Beck links up with FreedomWorks - Andy Barr -

Glenn Beck links up with FreedomWorks - Andy Barr -
Glenn Beck gives a speech | AP Photo

Glenn Beck links up with FreedomWorks

Glenn Beck marries FreedomWorks for the dowry | Crooks and Liars

Glenn Beck marries FreedomWorks for the dowry | Crooks and Liars

Poor, poor Glenn Beck. Faced with plummeting ratings, advertisers abandoning ship like rats in a storm, and a boss on a tear about the help doing political things, what else is there to do but look for an arranged marriage?

Lucky for Beck, Dick Armey is always on the lookout for a good dirt hill upon which to plant his AstroTurf. Need meets need, and ... a partnership is born. FreedomWorks, meet Glenn Beck. He only slept with Americans for Prosperity a few times ... he's still pure enough for you.

Listen carefully to the very beginning:

BECK: This half-hour is sponsored by FreedomWorks

Then the long explanation of how the elopement happened. From the beginning, I'm guessing the NRA didn't want to sponsor him? Toward the end of his little speech, there's this:

And we must, must, must link arms with people. Everybody plays a different role. My message to you is to shore yourself up personally, with history, with faith, and with your own personal finances. That is my course that I am charting. I’ve got to move away from the political stuff. That is what kept me up last night. But political stuff has got to be done. You have to pay attention. There are things that are happening in Washington that you have to know about.We need the Tea Party protests to continue. We need to organize and reach out to each other. So I want you to go to, because freedom works.

See, Rupert already smacked Hannity down, and Beck has a benefit planned for August. Enter FreedomWorks, ready to accept all the Glenn Beck faithful into their fold.

As if they're not there already.

(h/t Think Progress)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Does Viral Anti-Euro Rant Signal Rise of British ‘Tea Party?’ | The Blaze

Does Viral Anti-Euro Rant Signal Rise of British ‘Tea Party?’ | The Blaze

World Does Viral Anti-Euro Rant Signal Rise of British ‘Tea Party?’

Nigel Farage may not be a name familiar name for many Americans, but his message to the European Union this week echoed the familiar anti-spending slogans of America’s tea party movement.
Earlier this week, Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party and co-president of Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD), spoke out against the EU for allowing member states to get into debt and bailing them out at the expense of the ordinary people of Europe. All this in the name of cohesion, he suggests, marks significant threats to democracy.

Collapsing the System - Glenn Beck -

Collapsing the System - Glenn Beck -


Wednesday, October 28, 2009
By Glenn Beck

I've told you a lot of spooky things on this show and I'm hoping a lot of those things are wrong.

On Tuesday, I asked you the question: Does it matter if these people are Marxists?

Does it matter that the guy rebuilding our automotive industry has no experience and believes that the free market system doesn't work? Or that the manufacturing "czar" said that the free market is "nonsense?" Or that we have communists and radicals serving in the administration and advising the president?


RON BLOOM, WHITE HOUSE MANUFACTURING 'CZAR': Generally speaking, we get the joke. We know that the free market is nonsense...

MARK LLOYD, FCC DIVERSITY 'CZAR': In Venezuela, with Chavez, a really incredible revolution, a democratic revolution...

THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.

VAN JONES, FORMER WHITE HOUSE GREEN JOBS 'CZAR': Give them the wealth! Give them the wealth!

ANITA DUNN, WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Mao Tse-Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each another, but the two people that I turn to most...


Does it matter?

The answer is yes, if you believe that what makes America, America are the individual dreamers, builders and doers. Not the collective, but the individuals, the dreamers and the inventors.

From the people that brought us moving pictures the assembly line, the light bulb, the elevator, the Chia Pet, those are the individuals that made us great. And that is what is being stifled.

Now, government will tell you what to create, how to create it and what to do with it after you've created it. They'll control your financing, control your education, control your health. They'll control what you watch on television, they'll control absolutely everything — because now, they'll own a lot of the banks and many of the companies.


Full-page The One Thing Archive


Airs Weekdays at 5 p.m. ET

So now, not only does an inventor have to invent the thing the government says it is looking for, they'll also make sure that you can't go out on your own and try to create something better.

It is total control. And it is also, total insanity.

I've told you before about Cloward and Piven, a 1960s strategy that identified the best way to stop the Republic — the best way to subvert the Constitution and replace it with communism, Marxim or socialism — is to first financially collapse it.

Just a year ago, this stuff sounded absolutely crazy.

We've all worried about the debt. I want to not only show you how bad the debt is, but I also want to arm you with information, you will not accept their answer when they present a solution for what's coming. And what's coming is a system that is unsustainable. A system that is going to collapse. A system that quite honestly, looks a lot like what happened in Iceland.

In Iceland, all three of their McDonalds have been forced to close. Now, that may not sound like a national emergency, but neither does the swine flu. The reason they shut down is that Iceland's currency, the krona, has devalued to the point where the McDonalds' franchise owner could no longer afford to even import the packaging, meat and cheese to run the business.

Remember, four years ago, Iceland was a stable economy. But now, after being in a position where they were importing workers from Poland, they've gone to a 10 percent unemployment rate in one year. Massive debt, coupled with the currency and banking crisis, has caused Iceland's once thriving economy to hit the skids.

Iceland's GDP is around $20 billion; their foreign debt alone is $120 billion — six times their GDP. Would you like a hot apple pie with that debt, Reykjavik? If only their biggest problem was where to find their next Big Mac. If only that was our biggest problem.

Our GDP is $15 trillion. Our actual debt, as you've seen many times on the debt clock, is $105 trillion. Hmm, seven times our GDP.

I want to make this clear: Ours is actual debt; theirs is foreign debt. But do you know the games our government plays with the accounting books? Do you realize we have four separate books? According to David Walker, former U.S. comptroller, everybody involved would be in jail — if we didn't own the jails.

Liberal blogs are having fun with me saying there's more truth from Pravda. Well, let me give you a quote from Pravda last week: "It can be safely said, that the last time a great nation destroyed itself through its own hubris and economic folly was the early Soviet Union (though in the end the late Soviet Union still died by the economic hand). Now we get the opportunity to watch the Americans do the exact same thing to themselves. The most amazing thing of course, is that they are just repeating the failed mistakes of the past."

How is it happening? Well, let me explain how the system works:

A year ago we had a problem with the banks: People took out too many bad loans and the government pressured banks to make those loans, by the way, to people who couldn't afford them and the whole thing melted down.

So the banks didn't have enough money to cover bad loans and we were faced with a choice: Let them fail or bail them out. Well, you know what happened: We passed the Troubled Asset Recovery Program (TARP) to help the banks cover the bad loans and fund new ones.

Now we're hearing that the banks aren't making loans. How is that possible? After all, we gave them all of that money.

It's actually a good thing right now that the banks aren't making those loans. Too much money would be flooding the system. They are not making those loans because they're afraid that the worst is not yet behind us and they need to have that money on hand so they can keep their doors open.

But if things start to get better again, then all of that money will flood out into the system. It's called velocity — the speed of the money coming out of banks into the economy. And for inflation to happen, you need a lot of money in the system.

We don't really have an inflation problem right now, but back in the '70s under Jimmy Carter, for two years we printed too much money. We added 13 percent more money to our money supply for two years. Remember how bad the inflation was? And we started down a socialist utopia with Jimmy Carter.

To stop it, what did we have to do? Fed Chairman Paul Volcker came in and, in an effort to suck all the money back to the Fed and out of the system, he had to raise interest rates.

Remember, the banks have all of this money on the sidelines right now. As soon as they release it into the system, from that time, it usually takes about two years for the money glut to cause inflation.

After printing 13 percent more money for two years, we had runaway inflation of 12 percent. So Volcker raised the interest rate to 20 percent, because whenever you borrow, let's say, $100, you'll then owe $20 — the Fed then takes that $20 and destroys it to get it out of the system and bring inflation back down.

So we had to have a 20 percent interest rate for a 13 percent increase in the money supply for two years. In the last year or so since Lehman Brothers failed, we have increased our money supply by 120 percent.

How high will our interest rate have to be to pull all of that money back out of the system?

The reason I bring this up is that our real debt, as I pointed out, is $105 trillion. You and I both know we can't pay that back, so how do you pull this money back in without completely shutting down the entire economy? Can you afford a house with a 30-year interest of 35 or 40 percent? How about a car payment? How many business loans will be taken out with 25 percent interest rates?

You can't. Everything stops. So how do you keep an economy, based on buying — not building — going when you can't borrow money? You don't. It's the real reason that Chris Dodd wants a cap on credit cards today. They must have your credit cards working. They must have you spending.

Here's what I think they're doing: They will pay off the debt by printing enough money to pay off $105 trillion. It'll be worthless, but we'll give the Chinese and the rest of our debtors, their money. And those people that we've sold stuff to will come and take their assets.

But then what's left to restart the country? We have to have something to back our currency. Well, what about gold? There are $200 trillion in investible assets in the world and just $800 billion in gold to back it. So you can't go back to the gold standard; you need something to buy stuff with — we can't barter forever.

So, we have to have money and we have to base it on something. Let's go back to the people who taught us in the last century what we do when there's an out-of-control money supply: the Weimar Republic in Germany. What did they do? After their currency had become so worthless that they had printed 2 trillion-mark bank notes and their economy collapsed, they dumped the mark, switched to the rentenmark and backed it with real estate — land.

Well, there's certainly enough land and resources in America that we could back our currency that way as well, but the government would have to own all the land.

Hey, good news! Between Fannie and Freddie, the federal government already owns 55 percent of the mortgages in this country. And coupled with all the federal land grabs for parks, polar bears who are crowded but endangered and all the oil we're not drilling for or coal we're not mining, you might be able to base a currency on all that. And what a deal for China when they come in to "help."

I hope I'm absolutely wrong about this, I honestly do. But think about this: Who would the new "regime" responsible for this "new America" have on their side? Who would the federal government, after they've destroyed your future and that of your children, who would they have on their side?

You'll say: Let us fix it; let the free market fix it. But we've already seen those in the government don't believe in you or the free market. The government is going to say: Let the world fix it. They're already saying that — and when you watch Friday's show on global warming, you'll see how they're laying the groundwork for this.

Don't fool yourself. Read history. During the American Revolution and the Civil War, we needed allies: People who would fight and supply money. Our government is making those allies: Russia, China, Venezuela. But don't you think China would be willing to come over here to protect this government, from its people under those circumstances? For a piece of our oil, coal, mineral reserves and land? And to be part of one, big, happy global family?

You bet.

So it boils down to this: What if the dollar collapses in the next three, five, eight years? What if, this is the plan? Does it matter?

And let me ask specifically to all those who support Gitmo being closed, the Amnesty International goofballs, the protect-the-endangered-crowded-polar-bear crowd: Do you really think Russia and China will be better protectors of the planet than we have been? Will Russians cordon off 200,000 square miles of extra space for polar bear roaming or will they shoot them in the head to get a barrel of oil that used to belong to you?

I know I would. Surely, Ivan will.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel

Read more:,2933,570151,00.html#ixzz16lQxS9sd

Daily Kos: BROKE: Glenn Beck's "PLAN" To Collapse The System

Daily Kos: BROKE: Glenn Beck's "PLAN" To Collapse The System

ago this month Glenn Beck announced that he had a "Plan" that he promised to unveil at public event to be held at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. It is a 100 year plan to restore America to what Beck imagines it was a hundred years ago, before the progressives came along and convinced everyone to eat some forbidden apples. The big event would be the launching pad for his "Plan" and a book by the same name.
Brought to you by...
News Corpse
The Internet's Chronicle Of Media Decay.
In the intervening year Beck fundamentally transformed the purpose of his rally into something that resembled the old Holyroller Roadshows and Salvation Emporiums. He had completely abandoned the book launch and the mysterious "Plan" in favor of an open air revival meeting and the witnessing of a miracle flock of geese.