Monday, July 5, 2010

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics

Glenn Beck: Spies among us?

Audio Available:

June 29, 2010 - 13:57 ET

Foreign Influence, by Brad Thor

GLENN: Let me bring in Brad Thor because I haven't read this yet but you read this already, Brad?

THOR: I did, this morning.

GLENN: Okay. Brad Thor has a brand new book out called Foreign Influence. And before we get to what this, what the book is about, tell me about this, this article and this spy that we just nabbed.

THOR: Well, apparently, Glenn, one of the spies, one of the Russian spies was doing op ed pieces, you know, right out of the leftist's progressive handbook, all of the talking points were there, about how evil the United States is, she talked about our Nazi like, Nazi like legislation, how we were imprisoning all these people wrongfully and our political agenda and what we're doing and blah, blah blah, blah blah. It's all there, and it's — it's stunning.

GLENN: America, I mean, we are being set up. We're being set up. Brad, I don't remember the conversation we had over a year ago?

THOR: It's about the time that things were going on in Iran with that kind of Democratic revolution that was happening and Obama was stepping up for the dictator down in South America saying it's terrible they kicked him out, but there was no support of pro democracy demonstrators in Iran. I believe it was about that time.

GLENN: Okay. And I called you and I said we have foreign operatives here in America, I know this because I know enough special ops people that during the Cold War they went into the former Soviet Union and they went into Poland and they pushed. They saw the end was near and they helped push. They helped sow the seeds of discontent, and we did it in the labor unions and everything else.

THOR: Yep.

GLENN: They are here. That's what I said to you.

THOR: Well, you said we've done this, we know we've put operatives into foreign countries to take advantage of turmoil to push things in the direction we want them to go. And you said, Brad, they're here doing, doing it here, aren't they? There are nations doing it to us. And I said, you bet they are.

GLENN: And you started doing research.

THOR: Started doing research. I said, this is what my new thriller's going to be about and that's what I based Foreign Influence on, with them being here.

GLENN: Can you tell the story? Because I know there's part of this that you can't tell.

Insider Extreme members can catch the rest of the interview in hour 3 and Brad's appearance on today's 4th Hour on demand. Learn more...

THOR: Because I don't want to give away.

GLENN: I understand, and you don't want to give away the, kind of the shocking thing. But it's true. You started doing research and what did you find?

THOR: Absolutely. What I found was that one nation that was hostile to the United States actually had two of its colonels who published kind of a white paper on how the United States could be taken down, and it doesn't involve meeting us on the conventional battlefield. They realize that's a losing proposition. So they talk about all of the different ways they can go after us, whether it's co-opting Al Qaeda — and this was before 2001. And they talked about how they could use Al Qaeda to carry off a major terrorist attack in the United States and what that would do and how that would begin shaving down our civil liberties, how if you could push things with enough turmoil just from terrorist attacks, you could start getting the government to close in for quote/unquote the benefit of the people.

GLENN: I have to tell you, Brad, this is what the Overton Window shows in the boardroom meetings and the villain of co-opting people and using all of these things and just tying them all into one and putting people together. The coalition that the left now has built in reality, not fiction but in reality, communists, leftists, just run of the mill, you know, nut job Panther people. Just, some of the worst of the worst. ACORN. All of these organizations that are, that are shady at one end and downright calling for a violent overthrow of the United States of America, and they've cobbled them all together and pushed them into the Barack Obama and the DNC camp. This is what's happening. It is — it really is about just building coalitions, isn't it?

THOR: Absolutely. That's exact. It's community organizing on a scale that's terrifying. And what the end goal is, is for them to completely flip it to the model that they want.

GLENN: Can you in the book — and I'm sorry, Brad. I've just been so busy, I haven't — believe it or not, I'm four chapters behind in our next book and so I haven't had a chance to read yours yet, and I will. You are one of the only authors that I get a book on my desk and I will read it not because you are a friend of mine but because I know it's good from start to finish. But in your book can you easily translate it to — because this is a foreign enemy that does it, right?

THOR: Well, here's the deal, Glenn. As I went after this in the research, I realized I had bitten off more than I could chew in one book and I realized that this was going to be a couple of books. And the plan, as I started peeling back the layers of the onion and seeing these groups that have been put together to overthrow the United States, as I was doing this research, what I was able to find through talking to intelligence sources, people in the military, things like this, it is stunning how long, how patient these people have been inserting themselves throughout the country and putting themselves in different places and how they've been working to put this entire plan together.

GLENN: See, it's amazing. People always say, "That's a conspiracy."

THOR: No, it's not.

GLENN: I mean, look at the Russians that we just picked up. They've been here for years. These people who are against the United States, they know. You don't just take a country down like that. It takes time.

THOR: One spoonful of socialism at a time. It's not going to happen overnight. It's going to happen, one teacher at a time, one priest at a time as we're seeing now. They are trying to co-opt churches. I mean, it is amazing what these people will do.

GLENN: What was the one I read last night about a big meeting at a church. What are you referencing? There was something I read just last night or the night before and it's stunning what's happening in our churches.

THOR: It's not only the green movement, how they are trying to insinuate themselves into churches that way. There's also a big push by the Russians. They would love to see the seed of the Eastern orthodox church moved out of Istanbul and put in Moscow so Putin can control the message throughout Eastern Europe and they are doing that by trying to co-opt the bishops here in the United States in the Eastern Orthodox church. I mean, they are running rampant here.

GLENN: You've got to be kidding me.

THOR: Nope. Glenn, every time I turned around, I picked up the phone, another person was calling me for this thriller, I was stunned at the information I was getting.

GLENN: Brad, how much trouble do you think — how much time do you think we have of just being... before it really dawns on people, we're in the fight of our life?

THOR: Listen. When you look at Alinsky's Rules For Radicals and he talks about defeating capitalism, the next step people don't get much further than that. The next step is dictatorship, and that's how you move to utopia. You've got to have a dictatorship. The people that help overthrow the country then become the subject of a dictator. The left doesn't even get that.

GLENN: Yes, they do. They refuse to admit it. Brad Thor, Foreign Influence. Available now everywhere.

[NOTE: Transcript may have been edited to enhance readability - audio archive includes full segment as it was originally aired]