Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fox News pundit Glenn Beck ties Beatles' song to a 'Revolution'

Fox News pundit Glenn Beck ties Beatles' song to a 'Revolution'

Oprah, Glenn Beck are America's favorite TV personalities: poll

Oprah, Glenn Beck are America's favorite TV personalities: poll

by Joe Tacopino
Daily News Writer

Monday, January 25th 2010, 1:42 PM

Glenn Beck made his first appearance in the Harris Poll at number  two.
Glenn Beck made his first appearance in the Harris Poll at number two.

Oprah Winfrey may be the queen of television, but she has some surprising new company.

A new Harris Poll shows Ms. Winfrey on top as America’s favorite TV personality.

Debuting on the list in second place is Fox News commentator Glenn Beck.

The poll, conducted each year, had Oprah regaining her first-place position after trailing talk-show hosts Ellen DeGeneres and Jay Leno last year.

Beck, a nationally syndicated radio host, premiered his Fox News television show last year.

The highly charged political program has generated controversy and ratings during the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency.

The poll also found Conan O’Brien topping the list among 18- to 32-year-olds -- the so-called Echo Boomers.

Leno was the favorite among men, and Jon Stewart topped the list among liberals.

The poll was conducted Dec. 7-14, 2009, among 2,276 adults surveyed online.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stratfor acknowledges Russia defeated US, not Georgian army in South Ossetia - Pravda.Ru

Stratfor acknowledges Russia defeated US, not Georgian army in South Ossetia - Pravda.Ru

Stratfor acknowledges Russia defeated US, not Georgian army in South Ossetia

11.08.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru
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The USA acknowledged that Russia had virtually defeated the US, but not the Georgian army in South Ossetia. US instructors have spent four years training the Georgian army for an attack against Russian citizens. The US administration refused to help Saakashvili, because the true goal of the new game in the Caucasus is absolutely different.

Stratfor acknowledges Russia defeated US, not Georgian army in South Ossetia
Stratfor acknowledges Russia defeated US, not Georgian army in South Ossetia
Haitian Earthquake Becomes Bloodiest in History
Hottest Athletes for 2010, According to ESPN

Experts of Stratfor, the so-called Shadow CIA, stated that the Russian army had not only preserved its battling capacity but also proved to the whole world that was it capable of defeating an armed enemy, trained by US instructors.

A report from Stratfor particularly mentions that the operation in South Ossetia has exercised three things. First off, Russia has proved to have the army capable of conducting successful operations, in which many Western observers doubted before. Secondly, the Russians have showed that they can defeat the forces trained by US advisors. Finally, Russia has shown that the USA and NATO do not find themselves in the situation when they can interfere into a conflict from the military point of view.

At the same time, the experts consider it to be a military demonstration of Russia to former republics of the Soviet Union, including Ukraine, the entire Caucasus and Central Asia. In addition, they see a hidden warning to Poland and the Czech Republic against the background of a possible deployment of elements of the US missile defense system in those countries. However, the experts exclude an opportunity for Moscow to organize an intervention against some of the above-mentioned countries.

Stratfor’s statement means that the fight is over for Georgia and that the US administration is not going to cross the red line in its relations with Russia. Saakashvili’s hopes for NATO to become involved in a conflict with Russia went up in smoke.

The USA is pursuing absolutely different goals, and the creation of the Great Georgia is surely not on its list. The Republicans organized the provocation to portray Russia as a monster on the globe on the threshold of the November elections. This plays into the hands of John McCain, who openly says that “Russia’s imperial ambition” needs to be curbed.

This way or other, the USA has used the small country of Georgia as a toy.

Sergei Balmasov

$5000.00 Gold By 2012 – Dollar Never Recovers – Game Over

$5000.00 Gold By 2012 – Dollar Never Recovers – Game Over
January 16, 2010
in 2012

Fox Business Host Asks Peter Schiff when the dollar will strengthen. Peter tells him it will never happen. Possibly when pigs fly. Dollar Collapse.

Gold still going strong

Gold still going strong
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Point Counterpoint

Gold still going strong

EVER since the financial tsunami hit the United States and then the whole world, the price of gold had been close to reaching the $1,000 per ounce ceiling. In December 2009, it not only broke through that barrier but also reached a record of $1,216.75 an ounce -- a rise of more than 30% in one year. Now some analysts are predicting that this trend will continue in 2010 and that gold price may soon reach $2,000 an ounce.

Gold has always been considered a precious metal. Since the dawn of civilisation, it has attracted human attention. People in Mesopotamia and Egypt used gold for decorative and ornamental purposes as far back as the fifth millennium B.C. Although some gold coins from this period have been discovered, it is widely believed that the large-scale use of gold for monetary purposes did not start until the sixth century B.C. in Lydia, modern-day Turkey.

As far as we know, under King Croesus (560-546B.C.), coins made of pure gold with his royal emblem were used for the first time as the standard of exchange for worldwide trade and commerce. Although gold coins are no longer the standard of exchange for international trade, gold is probably the only material which continues, even today, to be universally accepted in exchange for goods and services because of its unique characteristics.

In 1821, the United Kingdom started using gold as the standard, or the single reference metal, to back its paper currency system. Under the gold standard, a single unit of currency was freely convertible at home or abroad into a fixed amount of gold. In the 1870s, this system was adopted by other trading nations like Germany, France and the United States. This system called for fixed exchange rates among the participating currencies. It was designed to bring automatic adjustment to balance of payment imbalances.

The gold standard had two main advantages. First, it gave a stable monetary framework for international trade and investment, and second, it minimised the risk of internal inflation. But the system also had great disadvantages. Besides the risk and cost involved in shipping gold from one country to another, the system required the participating countries to give absolute priority to external adjustments.

Domestic objectives focused on the resolution of problems like recession, unemployment and inflation, and were secondary. Because of the limited supply of freshly mined gold, the system was also not sufficiently flexible to supply enough money to meet the growing needs of the world economy.

The outbreak of World War I brought an end to the full gold standard. Severe restrictions on gold export were placed by most trading nations. After the end of the war, the system was replaced by a gold-exchange standard under which the participating countries could maintain their currencies convertible into gold at a stable rate of exchange, without having to keep as large a gold reserve as was required under the full gold standard. They could supplement their central bank gold reserves with reserve currencies, like the United States dollar, which were convertible into gold at a stable rate of exchange. The Great Depression of the 1930s brought this system to an end.

The United States came out of World War II as the most powerful nation on earth and the United States dollar, in effect, became the principal reserve currency of the world. In 1958, most major European countries accepted free convertibility of their currencies into dollars or gold at fixed exchange rates. But the Vietnam War and the consequent runaway deficit in the US balance of payments forced the United States in 1971 to abandon this system of free convertibility of dollars into gold at fixed exchange rates. Thus gold's central role in the world currency system came to an end.

If gold has lost its central role in the international monetary system, why do financial analysts still keep monitoring the price of gold so closely? Because, in the current worldwide recession, the relative strength or weakness of the world's number one reserve currency, the trillions of dollars worth of stimulus packages pumped into fragile economies, the expanding deficits in the US and Europe, the low interest rates, the fear of runaway inflation and the price of gold have, in more than one way, become interconnected.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to assess exactly how these factors influence each other. But past experience has shown that in times of economic recession in the United States (by far the largest economy of the world), there is a tendency for gold prices to rise and as soon as the recession is over, gold prices tend to fall. In other words, in times of crisis, gold is used as a hedge against uncertainties.

In this context, the other factor to be considered is that though gold has lost its central role in the monetary system, central banks across the world still hold significant quantities of gold as part of their reserves. For example, it is estimated that the value of gold held by the United States Federal Reserve at current price equals approximately 15% of the US monetary base. In 2009, India, Russia, Sri Lanka purchased substantial quantities of gold, which, no doubt, had an impact on current gold prices.

So what is the conclusion? Will the gold price keep rising in the future or will it fall when the dollar becomes stable and the economic recession is over? Most probably, it will fall. After all, in January 1980, when political and economic uncertainties caused by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Islamic Revolution in Iran forced the gold price to hit a record of $850 an ounce (equal to inflation-adjusted $2,200 of today), many people thought that it would never come down. Twenty years after that record price, the price of gold today, even after the recent rises, barely reaches the $1,100 mark.

Chaklader Mahboob-ul Alam is a Daily Star columnist.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

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Alpro Soya Removes All Advertisements From Fox News

alprosoya_logoAlpro Soya advises that they will not only be dropping Glenn Beck, but pulling all their advertisements from the Fox News channel. Their ads had been appearing on Glenn Beck’s show airing in the United Kingdom.

This brings the total number of dropped sponsors to 98.

Alpro Soya’s statement:

Thank you for your email.

We have spoken to our media buying agency who place all of our advertising and they are aware of the situation. In fact they are in the process of pulling all advertising out of this TV channel and that includes the Alpro soya advert.

I hope this reassures you of our best intentions and hope that your confidence in Alpro soya is now fully restored. Thank you for taking the time to bring this issue to our attention.

Kindest Regards
Kimberley Scholes
Alpro Customer Care

Big thanks to the Stop Beck – UK Effort and everyone else participating in this cause. Great work all!

Virgin Atlantic Drops Glenn Beck

virginatlanticlogoWe reached out to Virgin Atlantic after their advertisements began running during Glenn Beck’s show in the UK. This morning they confirmed that they will no longer advertise on the Glenn Beck program:

Our Media buying agency has assured Virgin Atlantic that no further advertising will appear around this show

This brings the total number of dropped sponsors to 97. Many thanks to Stop Beck – UK Effort and all those who tweeted and emailed Virgin Atlantic.

ING DIRECT Will No Longer Advertise On Or Around Glenn Beck’s show

ingdirectlogoAdvertisements for ING DIRECT have been running during Glenn Beck’s show in the UK. On December 16, 2009, I contacted ING DIRECT regarding their sponsorship of Glenn Beck’s vitriol and race-baiting. Since then, we’ve been applying pressure on Twitter.

This morning, ING DIRECT advised that their ads will no longer appear “in or around” Glenn Beck’s show.

This brings the total number of dropped sponsors to 96. Many thanks all for your efforts!


Martin Rutland, head of corporate communications for ING DIRECT, offered this statement:

“ING Direct UK has confirmed they do not sponsor or endorse the Glenn Beck show. Additionally, no ING Direct advertisements are being screened during or either side of this show and there are no plans to do so in the future.”

I replied:

Glenn Beck's facade starts cracking: How dare they compare me to McCarthy? I compare me to Murrow! | Crooks and Liars

Glenn Beck's facade starts cracking: How dare they compare me to McCarthy? I compare me to Murrow! | Crooks and Liars: "* Right Wing Pundits

Glenn Beck's facade starts cracking: How dare they compare me to McCarthy? I compare me to Murrow!
By David Neiwert Wednesday Sep 16, 2009

OK, looks like the pressure is finally getting to Glenn Beck. You can't watch this rant, from his show yesterday, without concluding that the big implosion is on its way.

Beck: Does sacred honor even exist in Washington anymore? Because I ratted out a self-avowed Communist in the administration in Van Jones, the same organizations, the same politicians, the same progressive media that are ignoring or standing for ACORN now, have called me Joseph McCarthy. They have such little regard for your intelligence that they don't think you're going to figure out that Joseph McCarthy was a powerful senator! Surrounded by the trappings of power of the United States government. With the power of subpoena and the power of Congress! The guy who stood against that was alone. While everybody else wet their pants and cowered in fear!

You'd think the members of the media might remember his name. It was Edward R. Murrow. And while I am nowhere near an Edward R. Murrow, never claimed to be, let me use the words of, finally, somebody that stood up to the power, and these senators, and said, Senator, have you no shame? Have you no shame?

Indeed, his critics have been making the all-too-accurate comparison to McCarthy, most notably Media Matters, who put together a handy side-by-side comparison that's devastating. Looks like Beck watched it and it made him cry.

Or maybe he saw the tallies from the latest set of advertisers to flee his sinking rat's nest of a show: over 50 percent of his ad dollars have now gone elsewhere. Bet that makes him cry too.

But really, Beck did make at least one accurate statement here: He's no Edward R. Murrow.

Hell, he's not even a Krusty the Klown.
Tags: ACORN, communist, Glenn Beck, Joseph McCarthy, McCarthyism, Subpoena

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Glenn Beck: Conspiracy

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Russia is ruled by crime syndicate: Illarionov testimony to US Congress

Russia is ruled by crime syndicate: Illarionov testimony to US Congress
Russia is ruled by crime syndicate: Illarionov testimony to US Congress

Dana Milbank - Fox News host Glenn Beck's national domination -

Dana Milbank - Fox News host Glenn Beck's national domination -
Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's official: Americans admire Glenn Beck more than they admire the pope.

This news, at once unsettling and unsurprising, came from the Gallup polling organization on Wednesday. Beck, the new Fox News host who has said President Obama has a "deep-seated hatred for white people" and alternately likens administration officials to Nazis and Marxists, was also more admired by Americans than Billy Graham and Bill Gates, not to mention Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. In Americans' esteem, Beck only narrowly trailed South Africa's Nelson Mandela, the man who defeated apartheid.

The 45-year-old recovering alcoholic and Mormon convert has become the first true demagogue of the information age. His nightly diet of falsehoods and conspiracies on Fox, and his daily outrages on the radio, have propelled his popularity past even Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. His method is simple: He goes places where others are forbidden by conscience.

Death panels? Government health insurance for dogs? FEMA concentration camps? An Obama "civilian national security force" like Hitler's SS or Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard? An administration official advocating forced abortions and sterilization agents in drinking water? Beck trafficked in them all in 2009.

He also proposed on his radio show that people should read Hitler's "Mein Kampf" to prepare for Obama's health-care plan -- and that's in addition to the 28 times the Fuhrer made an appearance on Beck's Fox show in 2009. The Anti-Defamation League identified the secret to Beck's success when it noted that he, unlike other prominent right-wing talkers, was willing "to give a platform to the conspiracy theorists and anti-government extremists."

His critics during his ascent over the year have compared the pudgy Fox News host to Father Coughlin, George Wallace and Joe McCarthy. Time magazine put Beck on its cover and asked: "Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?"

A better question might be: "Is Glenn Beck America?" All ages have their charlatans. The fact that Beck's stew of venom and fabrication has been such a triumph probably says less about Beck than about us. He has merely captured the moment.

Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America? - TIME

Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America? - TIME
Glenn Beck
Nicholas Roberts / The New York Times / Redux

On Sept. 12, a large crowd gathered in Washington to protest ... what? The goals of Congress and the Obama Administration, mainly — the cost, the scale, the perceived leftist intent. The crowd's agenda was wide-ranging, so it's hard to be more specific. "End the Fed," a sign read. A schoolboy's placard denounced "Obama's Nazi Youth Militia." Another poster declared, "We the People for Capitalism Not Socialism." If you get your information from liberal sources, the crowd numbered about 70,000, many of them greedy racists. If you get your information from conservative sources, the crowd was hundreds of thousands strong, perhaps as many as a million, and the tenor was peaceful and patriotic. Either way, you may not be inclined to believe what we say about numbers, according to a recent poll that found record-low levels of public trust of the mainstream media. (See pictures from the protest.)
At any rate, what we can say with confidence is that Deanna Frankowski was there. A cheery woman of 49 from Leeds, Ala., Frankowski said she had come to Washington as part of a group of 100 or more protesters. They filled two buses. And they were motivated by a concern about runaway government spending — that, plus an outraged feeling that their views as citizens are not being heard. "We are sick and tired of being ignored," she said. "There is too much money being spent."
Frankowski has been hit hard by the economic turmoil of the past year. Short of funds to make the trip, she painted an American flag on a pane of glass and asked people at her church to chip in toward her expenses, with one of them taking home the flag. She would like to share a house with her soon-to-be husband, but first she must figure out how to get free of the house she has — the one with the underwater mortgage. Some left-leaning writers argue that people in her boat must be deluded to oppose Barack Obama, but Frankowski is skeptical that her interests are being served by trillions in new government interventions. So she said, "I've paid my mortgage every month. And I'm getting no help. I'm just saying, Let capitalism work." Then she added, "We just want people to listen to us and care." (See pictures from a day in the life of Glenn Beck.)
One person listens, Frankowski believes, and that's why back home in Alabama she arranged to have 10 large signs made on white foam board, nine of them marked with a big letter and the tenth with we and a heart. Raised aloft, the signs spelled out "We ♥ G-l-e-n-n B-e-c-k."
Glenn Beck: the pudgy, buzz-cut, weeping phenomenon of radio, TV and books. Our hot summer of political combat is turning toward an autumn of showdowns over some of the biggest public-policy initiatives in decades. The creamy notions of postpartisan cooperation — poured abundantly over Obama's presidential campaign a year ago — have curdled into suspicion and feelings of helplessness. Trust is a toxic asset, sitting valueless on the national books. Good faith is trading at pennies on the dollar. The old American mind-set that Richard Hofstadter famously called "the paranoid style" — the sense that Masons or the railroads or the Pope or the guys in black helicopters are in league to destroy the country — is aflame again, fanned from both right and left. Between the liberal fantasies about Brownshirts at town halls and the conservative concoctions of brainwashed children goose-stepping to school, you'd think the Palm in Washington had been replaced with a Munich beer hall.

No one has a better feeling for this mood, and no one exploits it as well, as Beck. He is the hottest thing in the political-rant racket, left or right. A gifted entrepreneur of angst in a white-hot market. A man with his ear uniquely tuned to the precise frequency at which anger, suspicion and the fear that no one's listening all converge. On that frequency, Frankowski explained, "the thing I hear most is, People are scared."
Fears of a Clown
Beck is 45, tireless, funny, self-deprecating, a recovering alcoholic, a convert to Mormonism, a libertarian and living with ADHD. He is a gifted storyteller with a knack for stitching seemingly unrelated data points into possible conspiracies — if he believed in conspiracies, which he doesn't, necessarily; he's just asking questions. He's just sayin'. In cheerful days of yore, he was a terrific host of a morning-zoo show on an FM Top 40 station. But these aren't cheerful times. For conservatives, these are times of economic uncertainty and political weakness, and Beck has emerged as a virtuoso on the strings of their discontent. Rush Limbaugh, with his supreme self-confidence, holding forth with "half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair," found his place as the triumphant champion of the Age of Reagan. Macho Sean Hannity captured the cocky vibe of the early Bush years, dunking the feckless liberal Alan Colmes for nightly swirlies on the Fox News Channel. Both men remain media dynamos, but it is Beck — nervous, beset, desperate — who now channels the mood of many on the right. "I'm afraid," he has said more than once in recent months. "You should be afraid too." (Read Glenn Beck's tribute to Rush Limbaugh in the 2009 TIME 100.)
His fears are many — which is lucky for him, because Beck is responsible for filling multiple hours each day on radio and TV and webcast, plus hundreds of pages each year in his books, his online magazine and his newsletter. What's this rich and talented man afraid of? He is afraid of one-world government, which will turn once proud America into another France. He is afraid that Obama "has a deep-seated hatred for white people" — which doesn't mean, he hastens to add, that he actually thinks "Obama doesn't like white people." He is afraid that both Democrats and Republicans in Washington are deeply corrupt and that their corruption is spreading like a plague. He used to be afraid that hypocritical Republicans in the Bush Administration were killing capitalism and gutting liberty, but now he is afraid that all-too-sincere leftists in the Obama Administration are plotting the same. On a slow news day, Beck fears that the Rockefeller family installed communist and fascist symbols in the public artwork of Rockefeller Center. One of his Fox News Channel colleagues, Shepard Smith, has jokingly called Beck's studio the "fear chamber." Beck countered that he preferred "doom room."
On the recent anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Beck grew afraid that Americans may no longer be the sort of people who cross mountain ranges in covered wagons and toss hot rivets around in bold bursts of skyscraper-building. Tears came to his eyes (they often do) as he voiced this last fear. But then he remembered that the fiber of ordinary Americans is the one thing Glenn Beck need never fear. So he squared his quivering chin to the camera and held up a snapshot of ground zero, still empty eight long years after the World Trade Center was destroyed.
And he said, "Let me tell you something. I believe that if it were up to you or me, just regular schmoes in America, the Freedom Tower would have been done years ago. And it wouldn't have been the Freedom Tower; it would have been the Freedom Towers — because we would've built both of these towers back the way they were before! Except we would've built them stronger! We would've built them in a way that they would've resisted attack. And you know what? My guess is they would've been 25 stories taller, with a big, fat 'Come and Try That Again' sign on top. We would've built it with our bare hands if we had to, because that's what Americans do. When we fail, when we face a crisis, we pull ourselves up and make things better. I believe the only reason we haven't built it isn't because of Americans. It's because we're being held back. And who is holding us back? Politicians. Special-interest groups. Political correctness. You name it — everybody but you."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Newsmax - Palin, Beck Vault Into Gallup's Top 10 Most Admired

Newsmax - Palin, Beck Vault Into Gallup's Top 10 Most Admired
Thursday, 31 Dec 2009 02:52 PM
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By: John Rossomando

Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin finished a razor-thin second to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Gallup poll's list of most admired women for 2009, while conservative talk show host Glenn Beck landed at No. 4 among the top 10 among men.

Clinton edged Palin 16 percent to 15 percent, which means they ranked first or second among those polled. This marked the 14th time the former first lady has won the distinction of most admired woman in America in the poll.

On the male side of the ledger, Beck, who didn’t make the list last year, tied with Pope Benedict XVI. The talk show host’s nemesis, President Barack Obama, topped that list with 30 percent of the vote. President George W. Bush finished second, despite having left office with some of the lowest approval ratings in history.

Obama's 30 percent marks the third highest the polling group has recorded behind his own 32 percent last year and President Bush’s 39 percent in 2001 in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Obama’s rating is notable considering the decline in his job approval rating since taking office in January, Gallup said.

Clinton tied her husband, former President Bill Clinton, with 18 appearances among the top 10 since 1993. She joined a select group of famous women such as Queen Elizabeth II who has made the list 42 times; former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, 31 times; and the late first lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, who made the cut 28 times.

Evangelist Billy Graham, who finished sixth with 2 percent, has appeared on the list 56 times.

Scandal-plagued golfer Tiger Woods and his wife, Elin Nordegren, were at the bottom of their respective lists.

Gallup has polled Americans about their most admired men and women since 1948.

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Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: The Plan

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: The Plan: "Glenn Beck: The Plan
[Insider] Audio Available:

November 23, 2009 - 13:08 ET

Demand Glenn Beck in your city!
Learn more about the Eventful Demand for Glenn Beck

GLENN: We are at a tipping point. We are, could the government become more corrupt and us survive? I don't think so. Could they listen to you less than they do now and you have any voice? I don't think so. Would they spend more and you have any future left for your children? I don't think so. Could they be any more politically correct? There was a story in the New York Times yesterday. Who caused the shooter at Fort Hood? Who built him? Surprise, surprise: You did. The United States of America made him into a killer. Could we be any more politically correct? Could we fight this war with any more sunshine and lollipops and daisies out of the barrels of our gun and survive? I don't think so. Are we headed in the right direction? Are we making these things less of a problem or more of a problem? You know the answer to that. I don't care what party you're in. You know the answer. We have a stewardship. We have been given a great nation. We have been given freedom that no one else has ever had. We have been given wealth that no one else has ever had. We've been given security that no one else has ever had. And we have taken it for granted too many times. We've given our country over to a bunch of corrupt politicians because we had faith in the system. But because this has been happening now for over 100 years, and both the Republicans and the Democrats, they are very smart. They had us arguing against each other and, no, no, it's the Democrats' fault; no, it's the Republicans' fault; no, it's the Democrats' fault. Well, change this congress and things will change; change it back and things will change again. Changity change, change, change. We were drunk on our own wealth and power, we were, we were high on our own assets and home and big screen TV and brand name clothing. We just didn't see it coming. When you can have a senator take a $100 million bribe, they don't even talk about the bill. Let the bill stand on its own. It's either right for the nation or it's not. When you have a $100 million bribe in the bill, three pages, and it's disguised. So you have to kind of figure out who it's for, $100 million, and then that senator come out and correct and say, no, no, no, it's not $100 million; it's $300 million! And they do it without shame. We're in a different world. We are, we are at the point of singularity. We are at the tipping point. The paradigm is about to shift, no matter what it is you want to call it. You feel it in your gut.

Saturday I went out to The Villages in Florida. The official number given to the Times and then not printed at any given number was 25,000 people. The Villages told me that they thought the number was closer to 35,000 but they didn't want to say. They just didn't, they don't ever want to overestimate. I will tell you they were two miles out and there were people walking from their cars, and their cars were parked on the lawns and in the grass because there was no place else to park. I looked at Joe who is my right‑hand man and I looked at him and I said, 'Joe, dear heavens. Look how desperate people are for someone with an answer.' As I walked up to the stage, it was extraordinarily humbling, and I want you to know, I just want you to know I'm doing my best.

I'm coming to you next year with a plan, and it's multilayered. The first is ‑‑ and I started working on this in August. A 100‑year plan for America. This country was destroyed, and it began 100 years ago with the progressive movement. We weren't destroyed overnight. We were destroyed piece by piece. So how do we get it back? Libertarians lose because they say 'I'm going to abolish the IRS.' Well, no, you're not. It took 100 years to get this thing. I'm going to abolish, I'm going to abolish the Department of Education, or, I'm going to pull all of my troops home. Nature abhors a vacuum. You cannot pull our troops back. Even though I now agree with you, you can't do it overnight. There has to be a plan, and it won't happen with one administration, and it won't happen with just one party. We must invite Republicans and Democrats who like freedom and small government. We must invite them into a plan that makes sense! That encourages sustainability. We must get them into ‑‑ you know the saying, into the tent. But see, the tent doesn't mean anything anymore. What is the purpose of a tent? A tent is to keep the elements away, to keep you safe in case of a rainstorm. But see, we don't have a tent anymore with these two parties. There is no tent. Show me the tent. 'Well, we agree on blah, blah‑blah.' There can't be a tent. Because a tent requires stakes. A tent requires some sort of stake to hold it down to the ground. Well, what are those stakes? They're principles and they're values. We don't have any principles anymore. The principle is, are we going to pass healthcare because we don't want the other side to look like we passed healthcare, or we were against healthcare. We've got to go and be in part of this. Well, we've got to make sure that we get SEIU on board. Do we have them on board? How much money are we getting over here? Hey, can we get Louisiana a $300 million bribe? There's no principles anymore. So there can't be any tent because there's nothing to stake that tent down! And both the Republicans and the Democrats know it. They know it. But they don't fear anything. I'm an alcoholic in recovery. It's tough. It's tougher when you're drinking to stop. Everybody has their own bottom. Until I started having blackouts and my doctor said you're going to die, you keep doing this, you'll be dead within six months, it still wasn't enough until I had blackouts, doctor gives me six months to live, my best friend Pat, he can't work with me anymore, and I lie to my children that I finally said I've got to stop. Well, where is the bottom for the Republicans and the Democrats? Where is their bottom? They don't fear their political death. They don't fear the party's demise. Well, they need to. And if they don't wake up, if they don't go back and look for the stakes of that tent and the principles of those tents, if they don't look back for the principles and the values of our Constitution, they should be destroyed! We're not destroying them; they're destroying themselves. We're trying to save ya. But nobody can save an alcoholic from himself. He's got to turn the corner himself. So we're not waiting for them. You want to come, you want to wake up and join us? The best thing you can do is join us because you already have the structure! Until that time we're going to build the structure.

I'm going to teach you how to be a community organizer next year, oh, because two can play at that game. I'm going to teach you how to be self‑reliant next year. We've divided the country up into seven regions. I don't know how many of these we're going to be able to do, but we're going to do these, what would you even call them? Day‑long education seminars, and the first one we announce is going to happen in March in Orlando, Florida, where we're going to teach you everything you need to know. And I'm going to try to bring in some experts. How do you build a lifeboat? What do we do right now to be able to save our country, to be able to get them to wake up before an election? Can we get them to wake up before the election? Can we get them ‑‑ I've had enough of calling these clowns; they don't listen to us. Well, the next time we go to Washington, the next time, you know, Michele Bachmann says, hey, you've got to come to Washington, well, thousands of people did go to Washington and they still passed the damn thing. Because we don't have teeth. Well, it's time to find our teeth and sharpen our teeth, and we're going to do it. And then on August 28th ‑‑ write this down in your calendar because this will be most likely the last large gathering on the mall in Washington, D.C. August 28th, I ask you to meet me. Take your family. We move ‑‑ we had something planned. We moved it to August 28th because I wanted your family to be able to be there and your family not in school, et cetera, et cetera. So come to the feet of Abraham Lincoln on August 28th. By that time I hope to have enough things out there that you will at least have some teeth to the ‑‑ so the politicians will see you and hear you and fear you! The reason why I say I think it's going to be the last large gathering on the mall is because our government has decided that there will be no more gatherings, large gatherings on the mall with Abraham Lincoln and the Lincoln Memorial as of 2011. This will be historic. In the meantime piece by piece, little by little I'm developing this plan, and I will explain more to you a little later. It's not something I take lightly. It is not something that is something I can whip out. But two can play at this game, and I'll give you more details as things continue. But I want you to know we are all stewards of this country, and I take my stewardship of my part of the republic seriously, and I take your faith in me extraordinarily seriously. We're in it together."

Friday, January 1, 2010

China's New Year's 2010 Gold Rush -- Seeking Alpha

China's New Year's 2010 Gold Rush -- Seeking Alpha
January 01, 2010 |Owning gold is more often the aim of accumulation, not the means, in China today...

The collapse of Indian gold demand since the global financial crisis broke in 2007 might seem good reason to question the fundamental strength of gold buying worldwide today.

After all, if the world's No.1 gold buyers can't keep up with record-high Gold Prices, who can?

But the plain fact, as BullionVault first forecast in spring 2009, is that China has overtaken India as the number one private gold buyer this year. The typical Chinese New Year gold rush has already begun (thanks in part to 3% discounts at major retailers), and robust demand looks likely to continue through 2010 if not beyond.

Full-year 2009 private demand in mainland China could outstrip India, the former No.1 buyer, by one quarter if not one third. Short of a (very unlikely) collapse in Q4 demand, full-year private gold buying – including jewelry and retail investment – is set to have grown 10% from 2008's record in volume terms, rising 26% by value to equal $13.5 billion or more.

On recent trends, that would equate to more than 2.0% of China's famously massive household savings (up from 1.0% ten years ago) and account for almost one ounce in every eight sold worldwide.

Basis the GFMS consultancy's data (published by the World Gold Council), physical gold purchases by mainland Chinese households in 2009 was already running 19% ahead of India's private demand for Q1-Q3.

Given China's continued economic growth (certain to hit Beijing's 8% target according to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) – let alone the surge in money-supply and credit growth over and above GDP (put at 23 and 27 percentage points respectively by Deutsche Bank) – private gold consumption in Q4 most likely remained very robust. Whereas India's private gold off-take during Oct-Dec. continued to shrink in the face of record-high prices. Indian bank and wholesale dealers have reported below-market bids from their clients throughout the autumn. Comments from the Bombay Bullion Association put Q4 imports 54% lower from 2008's already disastrous finish.

Fourth-quarter Chinese consumption should be in the range of 116 tonnes (if it adds 37% to Q1-Q3 volume, as per the 5-year average) to 128 tonnes or more (if Q4 tops Q3 by volume, as it has each year since 2004). Running total to end-Sept. was 315 tonnes. Likely to finish full-year at 431-443 tonnes.

India's private demand, in contrast, ran 45% below 2008 levels during the first 9 months of the year, most notably depressed during Q1 (down 83% from Q1 08, with Indian investors becoming physical dis-hoarders on GFMS's data; overall, India was a net exporter of gold for the first time since the Depression according to market historian Timothy Green). Applying the 5-year average ratio of Q4 demand to Q1-Q3 figures (27% added to 264 tonnes), full-year private off-take would come in at 336 tonnes, the lowest total since at least 1991 on GFMS's data.

India's full-year imports (it has virtually no domestic mining output) are forecast at 370-380 tonnes says the Bombay Bullion Association. They have not been below 400 tonnes per year since at least 1997 according to the Indian Bullion Market Association.

It is impossible to predict the outlook for gold-buying in mainland China next year, but this decade's drivers for Western gold investment – credit excess and miserable returns to cash – also apply in China, with bells on.

The People's Bank cut its benchmark rate from 7.5% to 5.3% in Dec. 2008, and has left it there since. Inflation in the cost of living was officially reported at minus 1.1% across the first 3 quarters, but real rates were negative in H2 2004 and again in at the turn of 2007-8. Some analysts are forecasting 4.0% inflation for 2010, and either way, commercial rates have been so attractive this year that new credit growth was CNY295 billion in Nov., equal to $43 billion. That was down from 2009's monthly average of $130bn, but took full-year credit growth to the equivalent of $1.35 trillion, equal to 27% of GDP.

Pitched against this rampant credit excess, gold's quasi-religious and auspicious appeal in Chinese culture – as a solid, tangible, intrinsically valuable store of wealth – will only have grown. Most significantly, and in sharp contrast to Indian demand, private Chinese buying has grown as the price has risen (gold has than tripled against the Yuan since retail price controls were lifted in 2001).

That might suggest gold is just another bull-market asset for China's increasingly wealthy and capital-rich middle classes. But owning the metal is most often viewed more as an end-in-itself than as an investment vehicle; it's the aim of accumulation, not the means.

Given this last decade's average 15% annual gains for US-Dollar investors – plus the outlook for sub-zero real interest rates, struggling equity dividends, and the danger of sharply higher bond yields (i.e. falling bond prices) as the Treasury attempts to finance a new record deficit – might the Chinese approach to Gold Investment start to take hold in the West?

Please Note: A version of this article first appeared in the Financial Times' China Confidential